How to get the value entered in the command line to Testng using maven ?

How to get the value entered in the command line to Testng using maven ?


Add the following code to your pom.xml:

Add maven-surefire plugin in the dependency :


Add the build just like below and set the Systempropertyvariable just like you want.

For example: if you want to add an environment variable and set value to this environment variable at the run time.add the following tag inside the  <systemPropertyVariables> tag.
                <environement> ${environment} </envionment>

          <!--    <suiteXmlFile>Testsuites/test.xml</suiteXmlFile>    
                Note:-                    =====              
            mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=testng.xml                    -->      
        <!-- Add the property value here and get it inside the program -->

Testng file:
File name: commandline.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Commandline">
  <test verbose="0" name="Commandline" group-by-instances="true" >
    <parameter name="value" value="${browser}" />
      <class name="testcase.runtimecommandline" />

Java class file

You can access the value in two ways:
1. One is get the value directly by using System.getProperty("<tag name>")
2. Another one is set the value in testng xml file <parameter name="value" value="${browser}" />
   like this and you can access the value inside the parmeter.

package testcase;
import core.framework;import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class runtimecommandline  {

    @Test    public void browser(){

        //To use the command line feature use the following command to set the value :
 mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=Testsuites/commandline.xml -Dbrowser=firefox
        String commandlinevalue = System.getProperty("browser");
            commandlinevalue="Manually assign value to this variable since value is not passed in commandline";       
     System.out.println("Entered command line value : "+commandlinevalue);    }

    @Test    public void paramter(String value){
        System.out.println("parameter value: "+value);


In command line :Run the following command

mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=commandline.xml -Dbrowser=firefox 


[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running TestSuite
************************      Commandline       *************************
------------------------------             testcase.runtimecommandline:browser      

->Entered command line value : firefox
------------------------------             testcase.runtimecommandline:paramter        

->parameter value: firefox
**********************            -E---N---D-          *********************************

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