Quality Assurance Engineer - Amazon Interview question

I attend QAE-I interview in Amazon.

Totally i had 8 round of interview. 

1st round : written test
5 question :  1. written programming 
                    2. pseudocode for a program 
                   3. testcase writing 
                        * Functional and non-functional testcase for booking taxi through ola app.
                  4. problem solving
                        * Skype video call is not working, find out the all possible issues.
                 5. test data enumeration  

2nd round : Problem solving 

Totally 2 programming question was asked. 

1. Find the most repetitive character in a string
2. Find the first maximum repeated character in a string

3rd round : Test case enumeration

1. Testcase for birthday remainder in outlook
2. Testcase for mobile game application
3.Testcase for amazon wallet

4th round: Problem solving
Program + problem solving question
1. Webpage is not loading, what could be the issue ? tell about all possible case to troubleshoot it.
2. Amazon search is not working. how to troubleshoot this issue.

5th round : Managerial Interview 
Behavioral question  + cultural fit + work done in the past 
1. testcases for banking application. which uses 3rd party app for transcation.

6th round : Bar raiser
Combination of all round with cultural fit 
Few basic question like what is cross browser testing, few program and testcase for whispersync on kindle.

7th round : problem solving
1. two unsorted array 

where k=8, find the possible combination which equal to K?

2. abcdeffghijabcd - find the maximum substring in the given string which have a non-repeated characters.

8th round: test data enumeration

1. Testcase for ola app
2. test data enumeration - Given x and y, the program should return number between x and y.
i. Write the program for the above question.
ii. create testdata to break the program which i written.

At last i got the offer in amazon as QAE 😂

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